for all who pursue understanding reality — a space where prediction trumps paradigm
The Open Research Institute (ORI) is a community & a culture. We believe no institution has a monopoly on the pursuit of truth. We believe in a plurality of paradigms and ways of knowing. Mystic or scientist, the final arbitrer of truth is your ability to predict & manipulate reality.
We believe there is only one reality that we all have access to. Any conflict between those who seek truth can be resolved through understanding of both paradigms & translating between them. The ORI exists to facilitate & mediate this.
We seek to find all those on the frontier of human knowledge, across all domains, empirical & the spiritual, industry & academia, science & art. We want to find our peers, as well as those who disagree with us, and overlay & compare all perspectives.
We are opinionated about what research we pursue: it must contribute to the best possible world we can imagine, OR, it must be beautiful.
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These are the general categories of work that ORI's members are currently pursuing:
Universal alignment — the science of aligning all conscious beings to each other (of which AI alignment is a subset). Lead by Suntzoogway.
Memetics — studying how ideas spread in society. Empirically observing the dynamics of collective minds & egregores with projects like the "Human Memeome Project" and building "the nooscope", which is the first instrument that can see these entities, like the first microscope revealing the existence of bacteria.
Consciousness — a key piece for both of the above departments
Coordination infrastructure — researching & developing the building blocks humanity needs to solve coordination
To join the Open Research Institute, all you have to do is publish your research notes somewhere on the internet and tell us about it (either open a PR in GitHub to add yourself by editing this file, or DM MetaSyn).
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